Journalism Pakistan
Newsroom Pakistan: Gagging social media for Muharram not the answer: DawnOpportunities: Pulitzer Center opens applications for AI Accountability FellowshipsNewsroom Pakistan: Freedom Network clarifies position on Peshawar event amidst controversyNewsroom Pakistan: Javeria Siddique blames ruling elite for husband Arshad Sharif's murder, demands justiceWorld: Kazakh journalist Aidos Sadykov killed in Kyiv attackWorld: Press freedom in the Middle East, a journey of progress and setbacksWorld: Turkish court sentences eight Kurdish journalists to six yearsDigital Connections: How to combat misinformation on social mediaWorld: UN group says detention of Guatemalan journalist Zamora violates international lawAsia: The surge of independent media in Asia: A new dawn for journalismNewsroom Pakistan: Umar Cheema suggests Samaa TV episode was preplannedNewsroom Pakistan: Dawn editorial condemns PTA-ordered telecom surveillance of citizens


Welcome to our newly introduced JSchool section! It is dedicated to aspiring journalists and seasoned professionals looking to enhance their skills. Here, you'll find a variety of 'how to' articles designed to help you navigate the world of journalism. From guides on breaking into the field and excelling in breaking news reporting to lists of the best journalism schools in Pakistan, JSchool is your go-to resource for building a successful career in journalism.

In addition to entry-level advice, JSchool offers valuable insights for experienced journalists. Our goal is to provide comprehensive support to journalists at all stages of their careers, helping them stay updated and proficient in the ever-evolving media landscape.

Why every reporter needs a backup story

Why every reporter needs a backup story

 July 04, 2024:  Find out about the fundamental responsibility of reporters to consistently produce stories in journalism, reflecting on the necessity of resourcefulness, network building, and dedication amidst the challenges of modern media.

How to combat misinformation on social media

How to combat misinformation on social media

 July 03, 2024:  Learn how to combat misinformation on social media with these essential guidelines and tools. Discover how to identify fake news and ensure the accuracy of the information you share.

Top five mistakes new journalists make and how to avoid them

Top five mistakes new journalists make and how to avoid them

 July 02, 2024:  New journalists often make common mistakes that can hinder their careers. Learn about the top five mistakes new journalists make and how to avoid them to succeed in the field.

Media and journalism: What's the difference?

Media and journalism: What's the difference?

 June 30, 2024:  In Pakistan, the terms "media" and "journalism" often blend into a single narrative, yet they encapsulate distinct roles and responsibilities within the realm of information dissemination and societal influence. While "media" encompasses the broader spectrum of communication platforms and content delivery, "journalism" embodies the principles of truth-seeking, factual reporting, and ethical storytelling.

Gear up: The 10 best tools for aspiring journalists

Gear up: The 10 best tools for aspiring journalists

 June 28, 2024:  Discover the 10 must-have tools for aspiring journalists that will enhance your reporting, streamline your workflow, and elevate your storytelling. Equip yourself with the best resources for a successful journalism career.

Staying safe: Essential tips for journalists reporting in Pakistani conflict zones

Staying safe: Essential tips for journalists reporting in Pakistani conflict zones

 June 26, 2024:  Discover essential safety tips for Pakistani journalists reporting in conflict zones. Learn how to stay protected with training, protective gear, and digital security measures. Includes examples of journalists who have lost their lives in Pakistan.

Five lessons for journalists from M. Ziauddin

Five lessons for journalists from M. Ziauddin

 June 25, 2024:  Explore the five enduring lessons from M. Ziauddin, a trailblazer in Pakistani journalism who championed free media and integrity. Learn valuable insights from his exemplary career and contributions to independent journalism.

Why reading newspapers still matters: Top picks from Pakistan

Why reading newspapers still matters: Top picks from Pakistan

 June 25, 2024:  Discover the top 6 English language newspapers in Pakistan, their contributions to journalism, and why reading them is essential for aspiring journalists, media professionals, and informed readers. Explore the value of traditional newspapers in the digital age.

Your go-to guide for navigating the complex world of online media and journalism

Your go-to guide for navigating the complex world of online media and journalism

 June 23, 2024:  Explore the basics of online media and journalism, including digital platforms like news websites, social media, blogs, and podcasts. Learn how to navigate this landscape, distinguish credible sources from misinformation, and engage responsibly with content.

How to earn money from your media content

How to earn money from your media content

 June 22, 2024:  Learn how to monetize your media content with these 10 proven strategies. From ad revenue and affiliate marketing to online courses and crowdfunding, turn your passion into a profitable venture.

Defining journalism in the digital age: Who qualifies as a journalist?

Defining journalism in the digital age: Who qualifies as a journalist?

 June 22, 2024:  Explore the evolving definition of journalism in the digital era, where technology has given rise to citizen journalism and blurred the lines between professional and amateur journalists.

Why fact-checking is crucial for modern journalism

Why fact-checking is crucial for modern journalism

 June 19, 2024:  Discover why fact-checking is vital in journalism. Learn how it ensures accuracy, combats misinformation, builds public trust, upholds ethical standards, and adapts to the digital age. Fact-checking is essential for maintaining journalistic integrity and a well-informed society.

How AI is shaping the future of journalism

How AI is shaping the future of journalism

 June 17, 2024:  Explore how AI is transforming modern journalism, from automating routine tasks and enhancing data analysis to personalizing news delivery and combating misinformation. Learn about the opportunities and challenges AI brings to the media industry.

How to excel in breaking news reporting

How to excel in breaking news reporting

 June 17, 2024:  Learn the top strategies for breaking news coverage that will help you report real-time updates effectively and accurately. Discover essential techniques and best practices for journalists covering live events.

Social media strategies for news reporting success

Social media strategies for news reporting success

 June 16, 2024:  Learn how to effectively use social media for news reporting. Discover tips, strategies, and best practices to enhance your journalism through various social media platforms.

Leading journalism schools in Pakistan: Your path to a media career

Leading journalism schools in Pakistan: Your path to a media career

 June 14, 2024:  Explore the top journalism schools in Pakistan that are shaping the future of media. Learn about the best programs, universities, and opportunities for aspiring journalists.

Understanding the ethics of journalism: A comprehensive guide

Understanding the ethics of journalism: A comprehensive guide

 June 12, 2024:  Explore the essential principles and guidelines of journalism ethics. Learn about the importance of journalistic integrity, the challenges journalists face, and how ethical practices ensure responsible news reporting.

The path to journalism: What you need to know

The path to journalism: What you need to know

 June 09, 2024:  Discover how to get started in journalism with insights into the necessary skills, common misconceptions, and the realities of the profession. Learn about the different pathways into journalism in Pakistan and the importance of early journalism education.

What it takes to succeed as an anchor or reporter

What it takes to succeed as an anchor or reporter

 June 11, 2024:  Discover what it takes to become an anchor or reporter in the media industry. Understand the essential skills, education requirements, and the reality of journalism careers, separating myths from facts.

Mistakes every journalist must avoid to succeed

Mistakes every journalist must avoid to succeed

 June 10, 2024:  Discover the top mistakes journalists should avoid to maintain integrity and accuracy in their reporting. Learn how to steer clear of common journalism pitfalls and uphold high ethical standards in the media industry.

Networking in media: Strategies for success

Networking in media: Strategies for success

 June 09, 2024:  Discover essential strategies to build a strong network in the media industry. Learn how to create valuable connections, leverage social media, attend industry events, and more to advance your media career.

The ultimate guide to conducting interviews like a pro

The ultimate guide to conducting interviews like a pro

 June 09, 2024:  Learn how to conduct interviews like a pro with our comprehensive guide. Discover expert tips and techniques for mastering the art of interviewing, ensuring successful and insightful conversations.

Embracing the future: Why digital journalism is essential for success

Embracing the future: Why digital journalism is essential for success

 June 08, 2024:  Explore why digital journalism is the future of news reporting. Learn about the importance of digital storytelling, multimedia platforms, and innovative technologies in shaping the evolving media landscape.

The hottest journalism skills employers are looking for right now

The hottest journalism skills employers are looking for right now

 June 08, 2024:  Discover the most in-demand journalism skills in 2024. Learn about the essential skills that will boost your journalism career and make you stand out in the competitive media landscape.

Ten tips for getting your first internship in media

Ten tips for getting your first internship in media

 June 08, 2024:  Discover how to land your first media internship with our step-by-step guide. Learn essential tips and strategies to secure an entry-level position in the media industry and kickstart your career.

Top-ranked journalism schools to consider in 2024

Top-ranked journalism schools to consider in 2024

 June 08, 2024:  If you can afford to study in the United States, here are the best journalism schools to kickstart your media career. Explore top-ranked programs and comprehensive courses, and what makes these institutions stand out in the field of journalism.

Tips and tricks for creating an impressive journalism portfolio

Tips and tricks for creating an impressive journalism portfolio

 June 08, 2024:  Learn how to create a winning journalism portfolio with our step-by-step guide. Discover essential tips and tricks to build an impressive portfolio that gets you noticed by editors and employers.

Master the art of writing attention-grabbing headlines

Master the art of writing attention-grabbing headlines

 June 08, 2024:  Discover the secret to writing headlines that capture attention. Learn proven tips and techniques to craft catchy and effective headlines that engage your audience and boost your content’s impact.

How to pitch your story to major media outlets: A step-by-step guide

How to pitch your story to major media outlets: A step-by-step guide

 June 08, 2024:  Learn how to pitch your story to major media outlets with our step-by-step guide. Discover effective strategies and tips to get your story noticed and featured by top journalists and media platforms.

Top five media monitoring tools you need in 2024

Top five media monitoring tools you need in 2024

 June 08, 2024:  Discover the top five media monitoring tools you need to enhance your media strategy. Explore the best software for tracking and analyzing media coverage and social media activity.

The ultimate guide to freelance journalism rates

The ultimate guide to freelance journalism rates

 June 04, 2024:  Discover the ultimate guide to freelance journalism rates. Learn how to set your pricing, understand industry standards, and maximize your freelance journalism income in 2024.

Ten ways to break into journalism with no experience

Ten ways to break into journalism with no experience

 June 04, 2024:  Discover ten actionable tips to break into journalism without prior experience. From networking to starting your blog, learn how to kickstart your journalism career today.